Akshay Kumar surprised fans with the announcement of his next film on his 57th birthday on 9 September. The Bhooth Bangla is a Horror comedy film. Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan’s collaboration after 14 years. They make lots of hit films like Garam Masala, De Dana Dan, Hera Pheri, Phiri Hera Pheri, Bhool Bhulaiyaa, Bhagam Bhag, etc.
Akshay Kumar shares his new poster on social media. And write thankful notes to his fans. Thank you for your love on my birthday, year after year! Celebrating this year with the first look of ‘Bhooth Bangla’! I’m beyond excited to join forces with Priyadarshan again after 14 years. This dream collaboration has been a long time coming… can’t wait to share this incredible journey with you all. Stay tuned for the magic!
A few days back, Akshay shared that he would announce his next project on his birthday, giving a very subtle glimpse into the world of Bhoot Bangla.
Akshay Kumar’s last film performance
Akshay Kumar’s last few films have not performed well on the floor. Fans are very disappointed and love his last few Akshay films. Akshay also knew that his last few films failed to create an impact at the box office. Fans love the Akshay Kumar cameo seen in Stree 2. So, this new film Bhoot Bangla is set to give the old Akshay Kumar or Comedy Kumar to his fans. This new film Bhoot Bangla was made by Priyadarshan. For Khiladi Kumar Bhoot Bangla is proving a back to the track of hit films.
Akshay role in Bhoot Bangla
Bhooth Bangla is a horror comedy where Akshay is believed to play the role of a magician alongside three female actors. The movie based on black magic, is expected to release in 2025. The shooting is set to begin soon.
Director and Bankrolled
The film is directed by Priyadarshan and bankrolled by Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms and Akshay Kumar’s Cape of Good Films.
The film will start shooting in December 2024 with a schedule planned in various locations, including Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kerala, Sri Lanka, and Gujarat.